Saturday, March 8, 2025

ITEM # 1223 Star Ranger


ITEM # 1222 Star Comics SET OF 8 COMICS


ITEM # 1221 Model Fun SET OF 3 COMICS


ITEM # 1220 Masked Marvel # 1 - 3


ITEM # 1219 Man of War # 1 - 2


ITEM # 1218 Liberty Scouts SET OF 2 COMICS


ITEM # 1217 Funny Picture Stories Supplement 1-4


ITEM # 1216 Funny Picture Stories SET OF 17 COMICS


ITEM # 1215 Fantoman SET OF 4 COMICS


ITEM # 1214 Detective Picture Stories SET OF 4 COMICS


ITEM # 1213 Detective Eye # 1 - 2


ITEM # 1212 Comics Magazine 1-5


ITEM # 1211 The Herculoids #1

Hidden in the furthest reaches of space, the planet of Amzot is legendary for its fabled riches — and for the terrible fates that befall anybody who seeks to exploit them… Those who survive their encounters tell blood-chilling tales of horrific, imposing monsters that guard the mysterious world — yet the lure of its abundant resources is too great to resist. Raiders and pirates continue to come from across the galaxy, and there is only one force strong enough to stop their constant attacks — The Herculoids! But as strong as these defenders are, a recent battle may have pushed Amzot to its limits — and awakened a sleeping darkness within the planet itself!

ITEM # 1210 Comic Pages


ITEM # 1209 C-M-O Comics SET OF 3 COMICS


ITEM # 1208 The Arrow # 1 - 3


ITEM # 1207 Amazing Adventure Funnies # 1 - 2


ITEM # 1206 Willie the Penguin #1 - 6


ITEM # 1205 Western Hearts # 1 - 10


ITEM # 1204 The Unseen SET OF 13 COMICS


ITEM # 1203 Tuffy SET OF 5 COMICS


ITEM # 1202 Tommy of the Big Top SET OF 3 COMICS


ITEM # 1201 Today's Romance SET OF 4 COMICS


ITEM # 1200 This Is War SET OF 5 COMICS


Friday, March 7, 2025

ITEM # 1199 Bob Phantom #1

 After failing to aid a dying criminal in order to get a more gripping news story, burgeoning journalist Walter Whitney not only gains national acclaim, but the attention of a ruthless global crime syndicate; now he must go from mild-mannered reporter by day to Bob Phantom, a heartless ambulance chaser and even hardened crime fighter by night. It’s Nightcrawler meets Spider-Man in the brand-new take on a classic Archie universe character

ITEM # 1198 KISS – Phantom Obsession # 1 - 5

Darius Cho is the richest man in existence and the most reclusive. To many, he’s a ghost, a phantom… whilst other believe he doesn’t exist and is actually a front for a maze of companies and consortiums. Truth is, he does exist and he’s a KISS fan! KISS are hired by Cho to play a private party and from there, Cho’s obsession takes center stage and it’s the fight of the band’s life!


ITEM # 1197 Phantom Lady #13 – 23


ITEM # 1196 Phantom Daily Strips - SET OF 223 COMIC STRIPS


ITEM # 1195 The Last Phantom # 1 – 12

The story first begins with no Phantom. The 21st Phantom was the last of the series. Kit Walker Jr. refused to take up the mantle as the masked crime fighter and is on a comfortable ride of life and family, while handling the day-to-day affairs of the Walkabout Foundation, an organization created by one of the previous Walkers to help support charities in Bengala, and the surrounding nations of Africa. This volume of comic books describes the Kit Walker Jr.’s course and whether he will continue to lead that comfortable life or does the destiny bring him back to be the Guardian of the Eastern Dark.

ITEM # 1194 Phantom Guard #0 – 6

 In the year 2017 on the moon called Phobos, which orbits the planet Mars, Asante Habascar, aka Crude, faced a life sentence for the violent murders committed by his terrorist group, the Cynics. Now he has escaped. The Phantom Guard, the military’s best, has been selected to neutralize the growing crime element on Mars. Crude is their first assignment.

ITEM # 1193 Television Comics SET OF 4 COMICS


ITEM # 1192 War Is Hell – The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle # 1 – 5

Take a horrific glimpse at World War 1 in this controversial story. In this mini-series from Max, a pilot known as the Phantom Eagle risks life and limb to survive this war. Some years later, a second mini-series of the Phantom Eagle named Where Monsters Dwell was published, written by the same writer as this original mini-series.

ITEM # 1191 Starlet O'Hara in Hollywood SET OF 5 COMICS


ITEM # 1190 Sniffy the Pup SET OF 14 COMICS


ITEM # 1189 The Phantom – Ghost Who Walks # 0 – 12


ITEM # 1188 Reg'lar Fellers SET OF 2 COMICS


ITEM # 1187 Real Funnies SET OF 4 COMICS


ITEM # 1186 Peter Pig SET OF 2 COMICS


ITEM # 1185 The Phantom – Captain Action #1 – 2


ITEM # 1184 Out of the Shadows SET OF 10 COMICS


ITEM # 1183 The Phantom # 1 – 6

This six part mini-series written by Peter David with art by Sal Velluto triumphantly returned the original, Ghost Who Walks – The Phantom – to comic books and is now collected together as a deluxe graphic novel. This tale pits The Phantom against the Singh Brotherhood and their metal-handed leader who are intent on plundering an ancient fabled City of Gold. Only The Phantom, Diana and a new-found ally can stop them! Available both in Softcover and PREVIEWS Exclusive Hardcover editions. The exclusive hardcover edition, limited to 500 copies, features a painted cover by Sean Joyce, essays, documentary materials, unpublished cover art, all variant covers not available in general distribution; interviews, and more.

ITEM # 1182 New Romances SET OF 17 COMICS


ITEM # 1181 Mystery Comics SET OF 5 COMICS


ITEM # 1180 Merry Go Round Comics 1-2


ITEM # 1179 Mel Allen Sports Comics SET OF 2 COMICS


ITEM # 1178 Lucky Duck SET OF 4 COMICS


ITEM # 1177 Lost Worlds SET OF 2 COMICS


ITEM # 1176 Little Miss Muffet SET OF 3 COMICS


ITEM # 1175 Little Angel SET OF 12 COMICS


ITEM # 1174 Leroy # 1 - 5