Saturday, April 27, 2024

DECIMATION STORY ARC (2006-2007 + 2015)

 The House of M ended the same way it began. With a flash of white light the Scarlet Witch used her power to alter reality. The first time she was coerced by her brother Pietro (Quicksilver) and created a world where Mutants were dominant and ordinary humans lived in fear of persecution, giving rise to the House of M. The second time she uttered the words: “No more mutants”, and with the flash of white the world she created reverted back to what it was before… almost. In that instant the mutant population was instantly reduced from millions to thousands, the majority suddenly realizing that they were powerless. These millions of former mutants are changed, reduced to normal humans in every way down to their DNA. The Scarlet Witch has completely erased the X-Gene from their genetic code. Those few that remembered the events of the House of M were those that were touched by the powers of Layla Miller during the House of M, revealing that the reality that the Scarlet Witch had created was not how things should be.


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