Tuesday, February 25, 2025


A Zero Month crossover issue. With the Justice League disbanded, Martian Manhunter has decided to form a new Justice League from its ashes. He takes L-Ron into the team, as the two set up their headquarters in Ivotown. First to be recruited is Triumph, who is trying to reestablish his life after being trapped in time. After Triumph, Martian Manhunter recruits Gypsy. Gypsy has been staying with fellow hero Bronze Tiger, her new lover. Even though Gypsy has issues with L-RonĂ¢€™s new body ( Despero) after the death of her parents, she joins the team regardless. Finally, the heroes recruit the Ray in Philadelphia, who is busy fighting a team of super-villains called the Cabal. The new team helps the Ray defeat the Cabal, and leave to head to their new headquarters. 

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