Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #1 – 39 (1970-1976)

Amazing Adventures began life as another of Marvel’s tried and tested “double feature” comics – in the mould of Tales of Suspense / Tales to Astonish. Its original features were the Inhumans and Black Widow. However, this dual feature lasted only 8 issues, before the headline feature became “Black Bolt and the Inhumans” for a further 2 issues. Then, from the pages of the X-Men (who at this time did not have their own book) came “The Beast”, who took centre stage for the next 7 issues before super heroes gave way to space fantasy with “War of the Worlds”, where the hero Killraven, Warrior of the Worlds, made his debut. His series filled in the remaining 22 issues of the title.

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